XWord Media acquires Riddles.net
XWord Media LLC would like to announce the acquisition of another premium domain name, KillerSudoku.com. This domain name was first registered in 2005, making it 12 years old. The purchase price is not disclosed.
What is Killer Sudoku?
According to Wikipedia, Killer Sudoku (also known as Sumdoku or Samunamupure) is a puzzle that’s similar in many ways toSudoku, but with some added challenges. … As withSudoku, the objective of Killer Sudoku is to fill the grid with the numbers 1 to 9 such that each row, column and nonet (3×3 group of cells) contains each number only once.
Future Plans for KillerSudoku.com?
There are over 100 million people worldwide playing Sudoku every single day either on their smartphones or local newspaper and our objective is to become the number one resource for all Killer Sudoku resources.